- I may be tipsy, but I'm thinking this green eye shadow is a good look for me… #SMAtuS #
- Alice, while drawing with chalk "Mamma, I draw you a rocket!" #SMAtuS #
- Alice is skipping happily back and forth between Playdoh and chalk saying "Yay! Art!" #SMAtuS #
- @HillaryJacques Is the robot named Hashtag? Because, if not, that's its problem! in reply to HillaryJacques #
- When Alice doesn't want to change out of her red sleeper pajamas, she says, "Stay cozy! Stay cozy!" (Thanks Auntie Ruth!) #SMAtuS #
- Alice naptime monologue: Aww. Oh. I. Hi there Lacklees! Shelby? A present for me? goldfish crackers and bandaids. eggie. #SMAtuS #
- After today, I feel the need for a stiff drink. #itsalongstory #youdontwantdetails #anytakers #
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