These are my links for August 20th through August 31st:
- Tilt – today and tomorrow – Some fun photos. Ah, Photoshop…
- W1N5T0N – Doctorow's annotated LITTLE BROTHER – "This site is an effort to collectively annotate Cory Doctorow’s novel, Little Brother. It provides a copy of the book, with the ability to annotate it paragraph-by-paragraph." This is one reason why Creative Commons is so great.
- Origami Batman – Feeling down? Let Origami Batman cheer you up.
- Parchment – A massive collection of text adventure games – All within your browser. Wacky.
- The Nemean Lion – A delightful (joke) text adventure game. Really, it's quite delightful
- A chart detailing when HTML5 features will be available – Very useful. Poor sad Internet Explorer. The chart provides a strong incentive to switch to anything else.