Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-25

  • Max finally got Alice back for that hair-pulling incident in the library. On an unrelated note, they are now dancing with puppets. #SMAtuS #
  • Max drew a great picture of himself smiling in the middle of a tornado. #SMAtuS #
  • @mikecane The takeaway is: if you're commenting on weblog, make sure your comment is relevant. Not sure what the fuss is all about. in reply to mikecane #
  • Max, about Linsel's dog Oliver: At first when I met Oliver I was really nervous, but he turned out to be OK. #SMAtuSOL #
  • Last night I told the kids the story of Canta Slaus. He lives at the South Pole and delivers presents to all south of the equator. #SMAtuS #
  • If you want to stay on Alice's good side, don't call her a baby. Little Girl, I'm lookin' at you: "I Alice! I feisty! Watch out!" #SMAtuS #
  • THE CHILDREN OF THE SKY by Vernor Vinge: Leisurely and charming for a science fiction novel. #fridayreads #

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